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An illustration for Ursula K le Guin short story 'The Fliers of Gy'. This image shows a young boy who has recently grown wings. He is struggling to control his flight in a busy marketplace.
An Illustration by Hannah Seakins. The image shows Gandalf the wizard. His Earbrows extend beyond the bring of his hat while his head is turned toward the viewer.
An Illustration by Hannah Seakins. The image shows a women, half human, half octopus, singing amongst a coral reef
An illustration by Hannah Seakins. The Image shows a blue skinned Ice Ogre wielding a club
A photomontage illustration by Hannah Seakins. The image shows an old man, wearing a heavy apron, goggles and toolbelt leaning on a table. the table contains scientific curios.  Behind him is a busy market.
An illustration by Hannah Seakins. The image shows Jason, armed with a magic potion, facing down the serpent guarding the Golden Fleece
Mary Poppins book cover illustrated by Hannah Seakins. As well as the books title the cover has an illustration of Marry Poppins flying above the london skyline surrounded by birds.
An Illustration by Hannah Seakins. The image Mary Poppins playfully sliding up the stair's banister
An illustration by Hannah Seakins. The images shows a crouching Gollum. He is clutching his head and reaching out with his other hand as he fights off compulsions from the Ring.
Illustration by Hannah Seakins. The image shows a young woman in renaisence dress. Instead of holding a pet cat or dog she has a unicorn on her lap. This illustration is inspired by a painting by Raphael
An illustration by Hannah Seakins. The image shows a crouched Gollum. He is smiling as if he has a secret
An illustration by Hannah Seakins. The image shows Gollum with wide eyes and teeth bared.
An illustration by Hannah Seakins. The image shows gollum crouched over a fish he has just caught as he prepares to take a bite
An illustration by Hannah Seakins. The image shows a young boy, Jason, being trained by the centaur Chiron in archery.
An illustration by Hannah Seakins. The image shows a young boy, Jason, being trained by the centaur Chiron in sword fighting.
An illustration by Hannah Seakins. The image shows hands holding a palantir. Reflected within the palantire is the image of older hands clutching another palantir whilst surrounded by flames.
An illustration by Hannah Seakins. The image shows two people co-operatively playing a boardgame. Behind them is an image of their ingame characters helping each other out to create a potion.
An illustration by Hannah Seakins. The image shows Lucy's first meeting with the faun Mr Tumnus. The snowy scene is lit by the light from a lampost

About Me

A watercolour illustration by Hannah Seakins. The image is a self portrait of the artist. It shows a young woman with glasses and plaited, slightly messy, red hair

I am an illustrator from Leeds, UK. I studied illustration at Falmouth University, specialising in narrative and fantasy illustration.

I currently work from my own home studio in London. You can drop by my instagram to find out what I’m up to day to day - and see the occasional dog photo!


I have a range of greetings cards, prints and merchandise available through Etsy. My designs are also available on Thortful and Scribbler


Previous Clients include: Pelgrane Press, EN Publishing and Accessible Games. 

For inquiries and commissions contact:

An illustration by Hannah Seakins for JRR Tolkien's The Hobbit. The image shows Bilbo on the back of an eagle soaring over a lush landscape as they approach the eagle's home Carrock.
An illustration by Hannah Seakins for JRR Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings. The image shows Treebeard's surprised reaction when he realises Merry and Pippin are Hobbits not Orcs.
An illustration by Hannah Seakins for JRR Tolkien's 'The Lord of the Rings'. The images shows Gandalf asking the Eagle lord Gwaihir to rescue Frodo and Sam from Mount Doom.
An illustration by Hannah Seakins. The image shows a blood stained antique map. Onimous messages such as 'it's watching' are scrawled on top of the map.
An illustration by Hannah Seakins for JRR Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings. The image shows Samwise the Hobbit facing the imtimading Watchers of Cirith Ungol as he prepares the rescue Frodo from the Orcs.
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©2023 by Hannah Seakins

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